Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hang gliding
The activity that I chose was hang gliding. I decided to go for hang gliding since it was the first activity that I saw at first. Obviously it was good enough as I decided not to try anything else after that so I´m pretty happy I chose it.
If you want to try the activity you have to go to activity center and teleport yourself to the beach where it’s easy to spot. To do it you won´t need any equipment as you will be doing it in Second Life so you just have to double-click the hang glider.
The experience was pretty cool especially when I went under the water with my hang glide. Even tough It was fun I would probably enjoy it much more in the real life where I would actually be hang gliding!
I would not do this activity again as it was something you would enjoy doing only once and I think that this kind of activity could suit old people or little children who couldn´t do it in real life.


Different sports

In Dolphin Bay Hotel i tried every species, but i managed to only one. Golf was so hard that i couldn't even hit the ball. Jet ski was pretty easy to drive and handle. At first it was difficult to get on the jet ski, but in the end it already knew. Admtittedly, sometimes i just fall of it and sanks to the bottom. It was fun to walk there and try to get on the ground. When i was driving jet ski, it might just stop like it would be shut down, so that was pretty weird i think. For the most the experience was pretty boring, but a good alternative for studying. However, the experience was fun and different than i expected.
Roosa H

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The joys of snowboarding

I chose snowboarding because I like real snowboarding and I thought it would be very fun. It was quite difficult to start because I had to search the place where I can do it. After I found the place it was more difficult to really start snowboarding because I first needed to wear boots and after that a snowboard. It was very hard because it was not so simple to wear those. It took about 30 minutes until I finally could start snowboarding. It was so easy to slide down the hill and it was quite boring. I would not do that again. This activity is good for very simple people. I think that Second Life and its activities need a large improvement. At least snowboarding left a lot to be desired.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alpine skiing
Finland can ski in in the winter only and the Europe can ski the whole year even in the Alps. The apls are Europe´s most popular ski destination but I recommend that you should go to ylläs. There is finnish longest slope it is about two miles long. Rattle can on skis and board and usually people at the beginning of learning on skis but many later change to the board. Skis downhill is easier than on the board in my opinion. The ski slopes is a wide range of such has steep hills and long hills and short hills. I like steep hills because I like challenges and some people like to jump on ski jumping hill. Ski resort is park that is intended for tricks. Tricks are professionals. Skis downhill is very fun and I recommend to all.

by Aatu Uotila
SECONDLIFE! Netta Hynninen 11B

Secondlife is very instructive and easy mode of learning. Anybody can make own character to Secondlife and start learning with it. I like Secondlife so much! There I can see my all classmates and chat with them if I am bored and surprisingly I can learn at same time!
My character is named Chickenwingg. You can choose your character from werewolf, people, vampires, animals, robots, vehicles and also randoms! I selected a werewolf and hers favourite hobby is riding whales. Chickenwingg also like golfing and surfing and she love to fly around. In Secondlife you can do funny things like snowboarding, horse riding and all like that, but at same time you can study every school subject. You can change place by walking, flying or running, but Chickenwingg love to fly, because her is named Chickenwingg! Secondlife is very special way to learn, because it surprises you every time with new stories and things, and there you can study all the school subjects. English is not only what you can learn. From Secondlife you will found every other subjects too!
I recommend Secondlife for everybody! It makes your school much more interesting and you will feel your feeling much more energized! Thank you Secondlife for saving me for boring school, now I’m rocking!
The Joys of snowboarding!
Today I’ve been snowboarding in Second Life. I chose this activity, because I prefer it myself. I have to admit that I really thought this whole system is really boring, but then I tried some snowboarding and trained my experiences in this virtual game and now I think that this is actually very cool system.
The hardest part of this task of doing sports, was starting snowboarding. I mean I couldn’t find the place where I needed to be and I didn’t find the equipment for snowboarding. I had to go to the Activity Center in Hotel Dolphin Bay and teleport there.
The next task was to find my equipment for snowboarding. After fifteen minutes of learning how to get snowboard, I finally was able to start snowboarding. It was really funny, especially when you could go up the hill with the snowboard, that was very funny.
I think that I won’t try snowboarding in Second Life again, because it’s too easy for everyone. Anyone can handle it, even my grandmother.

Markus Heikkinen 11C

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day of sports

Day of sports

I tried many new Sport Activities in Second Life. For example I rode on whale. It was very fun. I also sailed by boat. I just sat there but it was cool. Driving jet ski was exciting. It went really fast. But it was hard to get on top of it because there were so many other players before me in the queue.
Golf was so frustrating because there were not any instuctions how to play that. I also decided to try snowboarding. It went so long before I get my snowboarding gears on. It was difficult. Recard to snowboarding, I was very good at it. At least I think so.
Skiing was similar to snowboarding. I liked it too. In fact Second Life Sport Activities were quite different experience than usual. I recommend Second Life sport hobbies to many people of my age. It can surprise you like it surprised me.

Sohvi B
The joys of snowboarding.

I tried snowboarding in Second Life. I chose this activity because it seemed fun and easy to play with computer!
At first I had to go to the Dolphin Bay Hotel and from there to the Activity Center. Then I teleported myself to the winter sports land. As I got in, there was a snowboard lying ahead of me. I had to find snowboarding boots before I could go on the snowboard. Then, when I had worn them I could start. I hopped on the snowboard and started slaloming gates! That was cool. Snowboarding was easy!

I would and I actually already did it again, because I had to search my way back to the Dolphin Bay Hotel reception and find instructions to write this blog. But yes I would do this again. This activity suits well to people who like playing on the computer in free time and to people who likes skiing games.

Anni V

Monday, January 16, 2012


 I tried snowboarding in Second life. I chose snowboarding because it was the most interesting activity and it looked like fun. Snowboarding is also fun in real life.
 First you have to go to Activity center and then teleport yourself to winter sport land. When you arrive there, you will see snowboard in the ground. Before you go to snowboarding, you have to choose boots and snowboarding and put them to your avatar. When you are ready, you can go to the slopes. Controlling the board is very easy because you just have to use the arrow keys.
This experience was quite boring because you just have to control the board and putting all equipment was difficult. I would not do this again and next time I try another activity. This activity suits everyone, especially for children because it is so easy. This suits very well also people who like the snow.

The joys of snowboarding and golf

I tried snowboarding and golf in Second life. I tried snowboarding because that was the first sport what I was able to try because my computer didn’t work well.

  First you need to go on ‘’the winter sport land’’ and when you teleport the winter sports land, there was a snowboard lying on the ground. Snowboarding was a quite easy and all you have to do was control your avatar with arrow keys. When your avatar is snowboarding you could slalom those gates what were on the slope.
   I tried golf too because it look like a kind of fun. First you need to teleport to the golf course and then you need to find a spot where you get your golf club because without it you can’t try golf. When you have pick your golf club, you need to choose a right kind of golf club. I tried a golf club named ‘’driver’’. If you choose driver you can hit a long hits, called drives.

   I won’t maybe try those activities anymore because those activities were quite boring activities. But both of activities were easy to control and I think that everyone can try those and succeed.

The joys of snowboarding and surfing

I gave snowboarding and surfing a try in the virtual world Second Life. I chose these sports because I thought they are quite similar. But it turned out that there were differentials between these activities. 

The start of snowboarding was a hard process for rookie. First you have to choose boots and a snowboard. Then you put them on you and after that you are ready to snowboard. But there is still a little problem. In my group, they, who had an animal character, snowboarding doesn`t work well. So in my opinion snowboarding needs the vast improvement. When it comes to surfing, it was very easy to start. You only must to click a surfboard and next select ride. Then you can just surf. To my mind designers and programmers could make snowboarding as easy as surfing. 

I had high expectations, but the experience was weak and it leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe I should have tried my hand at karting, for instance. I wouldn`t come back to snowboard, but I could think that one day I will enjoy the waves of Second Life again. These activities could suit little children, for example. All things considered, Second Life has got the potential for a good and addictive learning environment.