Monday, January 16, 2012

The joys of snowboarding and golf

I tried snowboarding and golf in Second life. I tried snowboarding because that was the first sport what I was able to try because my computer didn’t work well.

  First you need to go on ‘’the winter sport land’’ and when you teleport the winter sports land, there was a snowboard lying on the ground. Snowboarding was a quite easy and all you have to do was control your avatar with arrow keys. When your avatar is snowboarding you could slalom those gates what were on the slope.
   I tried golf too because it look like a kind of fun. First you need to teleport to the golf course and then you need to find a spot where you get your golf club because without it you can’t try golf. When you have pick your golf club, you need to choose a right kind of golf club. I tried a golf club named ‘’driver’’. If you choose driver you can hit a long hits, called drives.

   I won’t maybe try those activities anymore because those activities were quite boring activities. But both of activities were easy to control and I think that everyone can try those and succeed.

1 comment:

  1. You are probably an experienced player? Others had problem golfin but you seemed to do well with that.
