Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Joys of snowboarding!
Today I’ve been snowboarding in Second Life. I chose this activity, because I prefer it myself. I have to admit that I really thought this whole system is really boring, but then I tried some snowboarding and trained my experiences in this virtual game and now I think that this is actually very cool system.
The hardest part of this task of doing sports, was starting snowboarding. I mean I couldn’t find the place where I needed to be and I didn’t find the equipment for snowboarding. I had to go to the Activity Center in Hotel Dolphin Bay and teleport there.
The next task was to find my equipment for snowboarding. After fifteen minutes of learning how to get snowboard, I finally was able to start snowboarding. It was really funny, especially when you could go up the hill with the snowboard, that was very funny.
I think that I won’t try snowboarding in Second Life again, because it’s too easy for everyone. Anyone can handle it, even my grandmother.

Markus Heikkinen 11C

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