Sunday, November 18, 2012

A week in Playa del ingles
I spent last week in Playa del ingles with my boyfriend. Our flight left at
7.00 AM and we arrived there at 15.00 PM local time. Our accommodation was
pretty nice, four star hotel near to the beach. Near our hotel was a big
shopping mall. We went shopping many times, but my boyfriend didn't like it
that much.

People in Playa del ingles were really nice and kind to us. In most restaurants
there were finnish menus and the waiters spoke also finnish. In the evenings
we went eating out and the food was really good. There were a lot of tourists
from Scandinavia, especially from Sweden.

Everything was cheaper than in Finland. Most of our time we spent on the beach
or pool, swimming and sunbathing. I didn't swim in the ocean because the water
was too cold to me! I went also in fish-spa, where you put your feet in
fishpool and little fishes clean your feet. It was fun and tickled a lot!

The weather was good, there were couple cloudy days but it didn't rain.
Everyday there were 25-30 degrees warm.

By Elina R

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