Thursday, November 15, 2012

Here in Turkey

Hello! I have been here for five days and I have had a lot of fun. Our hotel’s name is Club Paradiso and it’s in Alanya. We have all inclusive food and hotel area is big, everything is so perfect! I’m here with my mom, sister, two cousins, aunt, godmother and godmothers daughter. I recommend Turkey to everyone! Here is so much to do. We have been shopping, swimming on the pools, in mud bath, on the beach and in a boat trip etc... And local people are very nice, polite and helpful.
 Now I’m going to tell you something about my wonderful five days. We came here at night maybe three o’clock and we went to sleep immediately, I was so tired. When I woke up on the morning and I went to the balcony it was like a dream, the sun was rising and birds were singing. It was perfect day. We were sunbathing, we ate good, we swam and just relax.
 On second day we went to the city and we were shopping a lot of clothes and then we went to the beach.
  Third day was the best, because we went to the boat trip! There was played music and it brought good mood. Sun was shining and we swam in the middle of the sea!
  On fourth day we went to the mud bath and after it my skin was so smooth! I recommend this to everyone! And of course we ate and swam etc…
  Now I’m writing this and should go, because we are going to the city to eat out. I have before me two great days! Greetings to all schoolmates to the cold Finland, that here is +30 ° C ;).


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