Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sautéed reindeer

Hey bloggers. What would you say if I start a topic about favourite food? Well there’re lot of special dishes and everybody like their own favourite food but mine favourite dish is sautéed reindeer. If you aren’t ever heard about it you should read this. It’s the best food in the world because the taste is so divine and the dish is simply.

Ingredients and the style how sautéed reindeer has been made is the most important thing in the dish. Usually I eat it with mashed potatoes or French fries and not forgetting to mention lingonberry jam. What do you think now?  Have you ever tasted it? Well I can say if you ever taste it you want eat it every year.

I got hooked on it when I ate that dish ten years ago. Nowadays I and my family eat sautéed reindeer every year in winter and it has become a habit in our lifetime. So beware if you taste it or just sniff it you will hook on to it!

by Ville P

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