Friday, November 16, 2012


I am writing my blog about my hobby, floorball. I think that floorball is a good hobby and I enjoy about playing it. I took up floorball when I was eight-year-old, so now I have been into it for seven years. I have played my whole life in Tikkurilan Tiikerit. I am now at B-junior age so we have players who have born in 1996 or 95. This season we got to SM-series so we will have games all around Finland and the games will be tough.
I think that floorball is a good hobby for everyone. It is easy to start and you get a good exercise when you run after the ball. There are many clubs where people play only for exercise, so you don´t necessarily have to play floorball for serious. In many fields, where you need a good condition, floorball is also very popular. For example firemen and polices often have floorball practices couple times a week.
Floorball is a young hobby, and its popularity is growing all the time. In some day, floorball can easily be an Olympic-sport.

Robert H

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