Thursday, November 15, 2012

I’m sure everyone has at least heard of the Paranormal Activity movies, if not actually seen one of them themselves. The first movie was advertised as “One of the scariest movies of all time” and everyone was talking about it few years ago. Since then they have made three more movies and few weeks ago I went and saw the latest one: Paranormal Activity 4.
                             I’ve seen the first three, so I already knew what to expect. I was sure the movie would be a bit boring, since Paranormal Activity 3 had only few hair-rising moments, but I was pleasantly surprised. There I was with my friend, eating popcorn and laughing during trailers, thinking we wouldn’t have to hide behind our popcorns. But once the movie started, it became obvious the movie had improved a lot compared to the previous one. Needless to say, we had to hide behind our popcorns every once in a while with my friend and we weren’t the only ones. Every time there was a scary moment, the whole theater jumped out of their skins and after the movie ended, everyone left the theater with wobbly legs.
                             I read online that there could be another Paranormal Activity in the making, and it could hit theaters next October. If that’s true, you can sure I’ll drag my friend to see it with me again. Maybe we we’ll forget the popcorn this time so we have no choice but to sit through the scary parts.
by Marinella


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