Thursday, November 15, 2012

I choose to be happy
Hi all readers and other bloggers! 
 I'm so excited! Today it begins!
Last week I decided to change my lifestyle. I realized that if I want to stay healthy I have to make a difference. So no  more unhealthy snacks, hamburgers, soda, cookies etc. Except on Fridays because that’s the only day when I can eat whatever I want but within limits. I play football but still I want to train harder and move more. That’s why I’ve started to exercise at the gym and jog more.                                   

 Day one here it goes!                                      
I woke up at 7:00 am and took a refreshing shower. Then I ate muesli and yogurt for breakfast and took also a glass of orange juice and one mandarin. Then I went to school for ‘’morning training’’. There I train with my school mates who also play football like me.
 After that it was time to do some studying. I noticed that I had                more strength and energy.  After school I went to home and ate a fruit salad for snack and then started to do homework.                                        
When I finished with my homework I went out with my friends for a while. Then I went back home for dinner. I ate half of a plate salad and ¼ of a plate fish and other ¼ of a plate fish.
 Then I watched TV and went to sleep so that I get enough time to sleep. You need to rest too if you want to live healthy.
  So if you want to leave more healthier that you do now here are my tips for you:
1.    Eat healthier and more regularly
2.    Exercise at least half an hour for a day
3.    Sleep sufficiently
4.    Remember to relax and enjoy your life

By Henna O

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