Friday, November 16, 2012

Proud to be a Finn

I think Finland is a great country. Everybody can be who he wants to be. No one has shortage of water, food, clothes etc. You can walk safely in the streets and don`t have to be afraid of anything.

It`s great to have four seasons like we have here in Finland. Winter is  snowy, spring is lightful,  summer is sunny and warm and autumn is rainy. We have a beautiful nature. We have thousands of lakes, a lot of forrests and  of course we have the famous Lapland.

It is also great to have good communal services and education possibilities. It`s possible for everyone to educate himself  as far  as he is   able to. Health care services are almost free to everyone and they are  of a very high quality. All families have a possibility to have communal child care for almost free. That gives a chance to let both parents to work.

Finns are fanatic sport fans especially in icehockey. Finland has won two World Championships. There are also many great skiiers, rally and formula drivers and athletes

All things considered Finland is a very beautiful, interesting and safe place to live and raise your children.

Welcome here!
By Tuomas K 

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